Glossary of Printing Terms:H

H and J

Hyphenation and justification. Justification of text and adding hyphenation where necessary to make the lines justified.


Someone who enjoys learning computer programming and systems. He is considered an expert in this area but may be regarded by others as a person who gains unauthorized access to a computer system with intent to cause problems.


1.The thinnest possible line or space that is visible.

2.The thinnest line that can be produced.

Hairline Register

Refers to very close registration. In four color process printing it means to register within one half of a dot to a whole dot, depending on the size of the dots.

Hairline Rule

The thinnest rule that can be printed, generally considered to be less than one point or 1/72” wide.


In photography, a blurred effect, resembling a halo, usually occurring in the highlight areas or around bright objects.

Half Binding

Style of binding wherein the shelf-back and the corners are bound in a different material from that used on the sides.

Half Cloth

A book that with cloth covered spine and paper covered boards

Half Duplex

The transmission of data between two terminals in only one direction at any given time. (Transmission may be in both directions but not at the same time.)

Half Leather

A term indicating that the spine and the corners of a book are bound in leather, while the rest of the binding may be cloth or paper. Also see Quarter Leather.

Half Page Island Portion

A preferred ad position that is two columns wide and three-quarters of a page deep, with no other advertisement adjacent to it or on the same page.

Half Round Cutters

Are made from blanks that have been “split” or “halved” approximately on center through a grinding process. This tool has a cross-section that is half of a cylinder and is the choice for most engraving cutter applications.

Half Sheet Work

A certain number of pages imposed in one form, printed on one side and then backed up with the same form. The printed sheet is then cut in half giving two complete copies or sections. Backing up may be accomplished by using either a ‘work and tumble’ or ‘work and turn’ process.

Half Up

Artwork one and a half times the size which it will be reproduced.

Half-Scale Black

Black separation made to have dots only in the shadows and midtones, as compared to full-scale black and skeleton black.


The extra page, in front of the title page, that bears the abbreviated title of the book.

In the days when books were sold as unbound leaves, the half-title served as a “cover” for the protection of the true title page.

Also known as Fly Title.

  1. A continuous tone image that has been photographed or scanned and then converted into tiny dots whose variations in size create the appearance of variations in tone.

Light areas, or highlights, have small dots and darker areas, or shadows, have larger dots.

Georg Meisenbach (1841-1912) is considered the inventor of halftone technology.

  1. Traditionally, a halftone screen is a piece of film with a grid of lines (line screen).

It is used to break down continuous tone images, such as photographs, into half-tone images for printing.

The halftone screen breaks down the image into a symetrically aligned series of dots – known as halftone dots.

Nowadays, this process is generally done digitally, via an imagesetter.

Halftone Color Synthesis

Refers to the way in which a color impression is generated when printing screened color images.

The individual screen dots in the CMYK basic colors when using four-color printing are printed either next to or on top of each other.

Both additive and subtractive color synthesis is possible. Even unprinted portions of an image, which are generally white, contribute to the color impression.

Halftone Negative

A negative made from a halftone screen which will be used to print a representation of a photograph using dots created from the screen.

Halftone Paper

A high finish paper that is ideal for halftone printing.

Halftone Positive Artwork

A photographic positive containing a halftone image.

Halftone Screen

A transparent material consisting of evenly spaced lines that is placed between a photograph and the film to be exposed. The number of lines to the inch controls the coarseness of the final dot formation; the more lines used, the higher the quality. The screen that is used depends on the paper and the type of printing process used. In electronic systems, the screen is simulated by software

Halftone Wedge

A control patch on the Ugra/FOGRA digital plate wedge, required for the determination of the printing characteristics of a printing press.

It consists of (nine) patches increasing in most cases in increments of 10 percent from an area coverage of 0 to 100 percent (solid patch) for the densitometric control of tone values and dot gain during printing.

Halftoning Process

Photographically or digitally converting a continuous tone image into a halftone.

Halfweb Press

Generally referred to web offset presses that are 17 3/4” x 26” in size.

  1. An undesirable outline around the edge of a printed image.

  2. An outline of adhesive around the outside edges of a label caused by oozing of the adhesive or label shrinkage.

Hand Engraving

The art of engraving done freehand using specially shaped and contoured hand-held tools and requiring a considerable degree of artistic talent.


Sheet folding performed by hand typically using a folder – a flat, smooth piece of plastic about 15 centimeters long.

Only limited edition books are still folded by hand.

Handmade Finish

A rough paper finish that resembles handmade paper.


An introductory exchange of set signals performed by devices, such as modems, to show that communication has been established and can continue.

Hang Tag

A term used to describe fold-over labels generally used for product identification. These products usually ‘hang’ in the retail marketplace.

Hanging Indent

Type set so that the first line aligns with the left margin, then following lines are indented a fixed distance from the left margin.

Hanging Punctuation

When punctuation extends beyond the margin of justified text instead of staying within the length of the text, making the text appear more aligned than if the punctuation were justified with the text.

Hard Copy

The printed output of an image that is displayed on a monitor. It may be output on paper or film.

Hard Disk Drive


A hard disk (commonly known as a HDD (hard disk drive) or hard drive and formerly known as a fixed disk) is a non-volatile storage device which stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces.

Strictly speaking, “drive” refers to an entire unit containing multiple platters, a read/write head assembly, driver electronics, and motor while “hard disk” (sometimes “platter”) refers to the storage medium itself.

Hard disks were originally developed for use with computers.

In the 21st century, applications for hard disks have expanded beyond computers to include digital video recorders, digital audio players, personal digital assistants, and digital cameras.

Hard Dots

Halftone dots that have hard edges without any halos or soft edges.

Hard Hyphen

A hyphen that has been purposely inserted in the text by entering dash, whether it is in the middle or at the end of a line.

Hard Offer

A publisher’s requirement that the subscription be paid for before any issues are delivered.

Hard Proof

The processes for simulating or checking printed results leading up to production of a hardcopy.

Depending on the characteristics to be checked, a distinction can be made between blueprint, imposition proof (layout proof), color proof, screen proof and press proof (or machine proof).

Hard Return

A permanent return that is manually inserted at the end of a line of text, as opposed to a soft return, which is inserted using a software command and which would go away if the text were to reflow.


Paper that has been treated with a large amount of size to increase its resistance to moisture. Slack-sized is the opposite.


Wood from deciduous trees having short fibers.



A book with stiff boards that is bound and covered in either cloth, paper, or leather.

Casebound, Edition binding, Nonflexible Book binding made of thick, glazed board.

Also known as Hardcover.



A book with stiff boards that is bound and covered in either cloth, paper, or leather.

Casebound, Edition binding, Nonflexible Book binding made of thick, glazed board.

Also known as Hardbound.

Hardcover Guide

Assembly jig used to center and attach a Fastback Hardcover to a book block. It is also used to identify the correct Fastback Hardcover book widths, and to attach Foilfast Title sheets to the covers.


Degree of hardness. Shore and Rockwell being two scales used to measure and compare hardness.


The physical components of a computer system, such as the monitor, hard drive, keyboard, boards, chips and printers.

Harmonica Fold

See “zig-zag fold”.

Hausa Language

The language of the people of northern Nigeria and widely used as a trade language in west Africa.



An industry abbreviation for Hazardous Material


The cloudiness of a transparent plasitc material.



A book with stiff boards that is bound and covered in either cloth, paper, or leather.

Casebound, Edition binding, Nonflexible Book binding made of thick, glazed board.

Also known as Hardcover.



A book with stiff boards that is bound and covered in either cloth, paper, or leather.

Casebound, Edition binding, Nonflexible Book binding made of thick, glazed board.

Also known as Hardbound.


Hard Disk Drive

A hard disk (commonly known as a HDD (hard disk drive) or hard drive and formerly known as a fixed disk) is a non-volatile storage device which stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces.

Strictly speaking, “drive” refers to an entire unit containing multiple platters, a read/write head assembly, driver electronics, and motor while “hard disk” (sometimes “platter”) refers to the storage medium itself.

Hard disks were originally developed for use with computers.

In the 21st century, applications for hard disks have expanded beyond computers to include digital video recorders, digital audio players, personal digital assistants, and digital cameras.


High Density Polyethylene

HDPE is tougher and more rigid than other polyethylene films. It also has a much higher tensile strength than other polyethylene films. It is a very stable material and has maximum chemical resistance. It has excellent abrasion resistance. HDPE meets FDA guidelines that allow it to come in direct contact with food applications.


The top of a page of text which can be a chapter heading, title line, etc

Head Crash

When the read/write head and the recording surface of the magnetic media collide, resulting in the destruction of data.

Head Margin

The margin at the top of a page.

Head Stops

Adjustable posts on register unit of a press that properly position leading edge of a sheet.

Head Trim

The amount allowed for the top trim.


The printing on the front and back of a sheet so that the top of both sides is printed at the same end of the sheet. You would turn the sheet over like the page of a book to read the reverse side.


The printing on the front and back of a sheet so that the tops of each side are placed at opposite ends from each other.

The top of one page is opposite the bottom of the other.

When reading, you turn the sheet over from top to bottom.


The printing on the front and back of a sheet so that the tops of each side are printed at opposite ends from each other. The top of one side is opposite the bottom of the other. You would turn the sheet over from top to bottom to read the reverse side. Also referred to as head-to-tail or tumble.


A small strip of silk or cotton used for decoration at the top of a book between the sheets and the cover. In hand binding, a real tape to which the signatures are sewn.


On a paper machine, the box that dispenses the appropriate amount of furnish (pulp) into the papermaking process.


1.One or more lines of text that appears at the top of a page, which may include information such as the chapter number, title, or page number. If it appears at the top of every page, it is called a running header.

2.Key data for a data set or file that enables user software to interpret and process data correctly. In relation to a file, the header provides such information as number of pages, date and time and the size of the file.

For the processor, the header is particularly important in relation to programs, as it contains information that specifies the programs in the RAM.

Header Record

Information that contains common, constant, or identifying data for a group of records that follow.


The line which commonly appears at the top of each printed page, typically showing the book title on the left-hand side and chapter title on the right; sometimes also incorporates the folio. Sometimes also known as a running head.


Wood located in the centre of the trunk and often darker in colour than the surrounding wood

Heat Reactive Irreversible Ink

Heat reactive-irreversible ink is colorless when printed. When it is exposed to heat between 185°F (85°C) and 212°F (100°C), sharp color appears and does not disappear once the temperature is lowered.

Heat Resistance

The ability of a material to resist damage when exposured to high temperatures.

Heat Seal Papers

Paper that has an adhesive coating applied to it that requires heat to activate the adhesion properties.

Heat Set Inks

Inks used for high speed web offset printing. Heat set inks must be rapidly set by the use of heat.

Heat Set Printing

Mandatory for printing magazines on coated papers because it is not absorbent enough to permit drying by evapora-tion at web offset’s high running speeds. A hot-air oven or another heat source is used to set the ink as the paper moves from the printing units to the delivery end of the press.

Heat Transfer Printing (Direct Transfer Process)

Image is screened on a transfer substrate which is then laid directly on the material to be imprinted. The image is then transferred from the substrate to the material through the use of heat and pressure. Works best on cotton and cotton blends.

Heat Transfer Printing (Sublimation)

A process in which a design is transferred to a synthetic fabric by heat and pressure. The heat causes the inks to turn into a gas so that they penetrate the fabric and combine with it to form a permanent imprint.

Heat Tunnel

A device used to apply heat to plastic wrapped packages, shrink labels, preforms and combo banded packages to cause the film to shrink and fit tight to the product. The product, with the film in place around the container or package, is place on a conveyor belt which moves through the tunnel. The tunnel is heated to a temperature high enough to make the film shrink and fit tight to the product.

Heat-Set Drying

Drying a web or sheet of paper or board by passing it through a drying unit which forms part of the machine. Special heat-setting inks have to be used.

Heat-Set Ink

A printing ink dried after the printing process by blowing air between 120° and 150° Celsius onto it. Heat-set inks are used in rotary offset printing.


A printing process where the printed ink is dried by applying heat.

Heatset Web

Reelfed press equipped with a drying tunnel which dries the ink before the printed web of paper is either folded, sheeted or re-reeled.

Heavy Coat Weight

A higher-than-standard weight of coating per unit area.


Slang for headline; i.e. the title of the article.


Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Heidelberg is the world’s leading solution provider for commercial and industrial customers in the print media industry.

Headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, the company focuses on the entire process and value chain for popular format classes in the sheetfed offset and flexographic printing sectors.

Apart from printing presses, the product portfolio includes plate imaging devices and finishing equipment, as well as software components designed to integrate all print manufacturing processes.

In addition, Heidelberg offers a wide range of spare parts, consumables, used equipment and services, along with extensive training programs provided by the Print Media Academy.

Held Art

Artwork, graphics, and/or images that are stored in a merge library.

Helio Engraving

Photochemical process for creating gravure plates introduced by the Czech painter and graphic artist Karel Václav Klíc in 1878. Helio engraving was particularly popular between 1890 and 1910 for creating monochrome illustrations in high-quality books.


An intaglio print produced by the gravure process (photogravure).


An image produced by printing from a film of gelatine which has been sensitised with bichromate of potash and exposed to light through a photographic negative.


A command or program key that can be used to request information on how to use a program and/or possible user options.

Help Desk

A single point of contact that internal users can go for problem solving.


A popular typeface used in typesetting. It is a sans serif (without serifs) type style.


A constituent of woods that is, like cellulose, a polysaccharide, but less complex and easily hydrolysable.

Hermann, Caspar (1871-1934)

A pioneer in offset printing.

After Ira Washington Rubel came out with the first offset printing press in 1904, Hermann converted book printing rotary presses into offset printing presses, beginning with the one he produced for the Harris Automation Press Company in Niles, Ohio.

The first German offset printing presses were manufactured in the same manner starting in 1907.

Hermann also designed the world’s first rotary offset printing press, which was patented in Germany the same year, and the so-called satellite printing system in 1922.


A term that represents a unit of measurement for frequency.

It is expressed as cycles or oscillations per second.

Heterogeneous Network

A term used to describe a communications network using more than one protocol, such as IP, DECnet, and AppleTalk.


Encouraging people to solve problems with experimentation and trial and error methods; a self-learning method.


A recently introduced six-color process printing system from Pantone, Inc.


A number system with a base of 16. 0-9 and A-F are used to represent the digits.

The format is #rrggbb, where rr, gg, and bb are two-digit hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue components of the color. 00 is the minimum value and FF is the maximum, 88 is the median.

For example, the color white is #FFFFFF, the color black is #000000, the color red is #FF0000, the color green is #00FF00, and the color blue is #0000FF.


Household Income

Hi-Fi Color

Short for High-Fidelity Color. A term that describes any color specification and printing system that enhances the traditional four-color process system, such as Hexachrome.


A spot on a printed sheet that appears as a small white circle with ink in the center, caused by particles such as dirt, dust, or bits of paper.


Print defects caused by foreign matter on the blanket or plate.

Often appear in areas of solid ink coverage as dark specs surrounded by light rings of non-printed stock.


A layering of objects, of which are related, that descend from the top-most object, called the root, to lower levels that get more and more specialized.

High (Hollow) Die

This is a device used to cut specified shapes out of label paper or other material where the die is open allowing the die-cut material to stack up within the die itself.

High Bulk Paper

Paper that is relatively thick in comparison to its basis weight. High bulk paper lacks compactness and will yeild fewer sheets per inch than a lower bulk paper..

High Conservation Value Forest

Forests that possess one or more of the following attributes:

a.) forest areas containing globally, regionally or nationally significant concentrations of biodiversity values (e.g. endemism, endangered species, refugia) and/or large landscape level forests, contained within, or containing the management unit, where viable populations of most if not all naturally occurring species exist in natural patterns of distribution and abundance

b.) forest areas that are in or contain rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems

c.) forest areas that provide basic services of nature in critical situations (e.g. watershed protection, erosion control)

d.) forest areas fundamental to meeting basic needs of local communities (e.g. subsistence, health) and/or critical to local communities’ traditional cultural identity (areas of cultural, ecological, economic or religious significance identified in cooperation with such local communities).

High Contrast

In photography, describes a reproduction in which the difference in darkness between neighboring areas is greater than in the original.

High Finish

A smooth, hard coating on paper.

High Folio Binding Lap

The off-center folding of a signature face to backbone that uses the higher page numbers of the signature for the binding lap. The binding lap should be 3/8” and allows the signature to be opened to the center when saddle stitching. A High Folio Lap should be jogged to the head to prevent reverse lap feeding.

High Intensity Bulbs

Exposure lamps that emit a greater intensity of light energy than standard bulbs. The use of these bulbs reduces exposure times in platemaking.

High Key Halftone

A halftone that is made utilizing only the highlight tones down through the middle tones.

High Key Picture

A continuous tone photo made up of predominantly highlight (white) areas.

High Speed Steel

Is a term used to describe a wide range of steel alloys used for cutting tools. These materials incorporate varying amounts of many different elements (Tungsten, Molybdenum. Cobalt, etc.) to produce specific hardness and cutting characteristics. High Speed Steel tools are more resilient than those made from carbide, however they do not possess the hardness or abrasion resistance.

High Spot

A term that is used to denote a highly regarded first or important edition of a book

High Temperature Adhesive

Adhesive that will hold up when exposed to high temperatures.

High-fidelity Printing (Hi-FI)

High-fidelity color printing uses additional process inks, such as orange and green, to reproduce more of the color spectrum. The Pantone® Hexachrome system is an example of this.

High-Gloss Paper

Paper that is cast-coated on one side and not calendered.


The resolution (Res) of an image indicates the number of dots per inch (dpi). High resolution is usually anywhere from 300 dpi to 2,500 dpi.

High-Speed Printer

Computer which prints in excess of 300 lines per minute.


The lightest area in a photograph or illustration. When produced by a halftone, it is the area that has the fewest and smallest dots.

Highlight Color

The same as spot color.

Highlight Dot

The highest density of a halftone image.

Highlight Halftone

The lightest or whitest parts in a photograph represented in a halftone reproduction by the smallest dots or the absence of all dots.

  1. Selecting text on a computer monitor used for copying or deleting.

  2. The bright pen markings where the previous owner marked the book to highlight words, sentences, and/or passages of text

Hinged Cover

Perfect bound cover scored 1/8 inch (3mm) from the spine so it folds at the hinge instead of, along the edge of the spine.


The joint created on a hardcover book which allows you to open the book without breaking the spine.


A set of rules that are stored with an outline font, used to improve the appearance of the font when it is printed at smaller sizes.

History List

A list of URLs and titles of documents accessed during a user’s session on the Internet.


Each individual request from a web browser for each individual item of a page from a web server.

For example, if a web browser displayed a page that contains 4 graphics, it would require 5 hits to display the page, one for each of the 4 graphics and one for the HTML page.

HKS Inks

A hybrid system for inks which comprises 84 different color tones.

It is jointly offered by three ink manufacturers:
Horstmann-Steinberg, Kast + Ehinger and H. Schminke & Co.

It is structured on nine basic colors plus black and white. Ink series are available for sheetfed offset on coated and uncoated papers, newsprint and continuous paper.


Hue, Lightness and Saturation

A color control option found in design and page assembly software.

Holding Fee

Charge made to clients who keep photograph longer than agreed to.

Holding Power (Sheer Adhesion)

Ability to withstand stress, as in holding rigid label materials on small diameter cylindrical objects. Involves both adhesive and cohesive strength.


Refers to a paper’’s ability to hold ink on the surface consistently, so that it will dry in a sharper, more clearly defined dot and produce higher ink gloss.

When ink is absorbed into the sheet, it spreads, creating a phenomenon referred to as “dot gain”. Higher holdout means a sharper dot and increased ink gloss, but can also cause ink to rub off or mark the next sheet.


A belief that a system must be managed as a whole, rather than addressing the individual components that make it function.


That space on the spine of a case-bound book between the block of the book and the case binding.


1.An image that displays a multi-dimensional image when a beam of light hits it at the right angle. When turned at different angles, it will change colors or a different image appears.

2.A three-dimensional image created by the interference image which results from interaction between light reflected from the object to be imaged with a reference beam from the light source. This method requires extremely coherent light (synchronously oscillating light), such as that generated by a laser.


A term indicating the handwriting of the author.

Home Page

The first page of a website. The Home Page resides at the top of the directory tree and has hyperlinks to connect to the other pages.


A mechanical method used to remove unwanted image areas from plates by rubbing the image away with an abrasive material.


A communication device to draw the audience in and get them to respond as desired.

Horizontal Format

A page or image that is in landscape orientation, to be viewed horizontally.

Horizontal Perforation

Perforation on the sheet that runs left to right, and is parallel to the lines of text.

Hors Texte

French for “outside of the text,” and the term usually refers to plates, without printing on the reverse sides.

The plates may be tipped in to paper of a different stock from that of the text.

Also see Versos Blank.

Hors Texte, Versos Blank

Hors texte” is French for “outside of the text,” and the term usually refers to plates, without printing on the reverse sides. The plates may be tipped in to paper of a different stock from that of the text.


A computer that functions as the start and end point for data transfer, and thought of as the place where a Web site resides.

An Internet host has a unique IP address and a unique domain or host name.

A host can also refer to a Web hosting company.

The host computer holds the data that is accessed by the other computers on the network.

Host Address

The IP address of the host computer.

Host Name

The name of the user computer on the network.

Hosting Content

When an organization uses an Internet Service Provider, consultant, etc., to run its Web site.

Hot Buttons

Small images hyperlinked to other HTML documents.

Hot Foil Stamping

The process of applying foil to a sheet or cover by applying heat and pressure. Hot foil stamping requires special equipment and dies similar to those used for debossing.

Hot Java

A Java-enabled browser developed by Sun Microsystems.

Hot Melt Adhesive

A solid thermoplastic material that liquifies when heated and then when it cools it resolidifies to form a bond.

Hot Shoe

The component on a digital camera frame that allows a flash unit to be attached and synchronized with the camera’’s shutter.

Hot Spot
  1. A printing defect caused when a piece of dirt or an air bubble caused incomplete drawdown during platemaking, leaving an area of weak ink coverage or visible dot gain.

  2. An area on a Web site, that when selected, displaces some type of action. Selecting an image may bring up a description pertaining to that image or it may bring up an enlarged view of that image.

Hot Spot Carbon

Hot spot carbon is carbonizing ink applied to selective areas on the back of a sheet. It allows image transfer to the sheet below in these carbonized areas. Hot spot carbon is used for selective imaging on multiple part forms and mailers.

Hot Stamping

A printing process where a heated die is stamped onto a sheet of foil, causing the foil to release from the backer onto the material being printed.

Hot Type

Metal type used for letterpress printing. Named “hot type” because the type was “cast” from hot liquefied metal.


A printing technique using very thin aluminium foil in a variety of metallic colours, such as gold, silver, red and blue. The metallic foil is released from carrier base onto a substrate by the application of heat and pressure from a metal printing plate which bears the image to be hot-foiled.


Hypertext links between documents on a Web site.


A list of URLs within a particular Web document created by the user.

House List

A company’’s own list of customers or inquirers.

House Organ

An in-house newsletter.

House Sheet

A paper that is kept in stock by a printer so it is readily available. It is generally something that can be used for a wide variety of printing jobs

House Style

The style of preferred spelling, punctuation, hyphenation and indentation used in a publishing house or by a particular publication to ensure consistent typesetting.

House Typeface

The typeface employed by a company for most or all of its communications.

Some publishing houses also use a standard typeface for their publications in order to make these products more identifiable.


Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language

A command language for driving plotters developed by the Hewlett-Packard company.


A color model that describes colors in the same way as the human eye perceives them, using hue, saturation (or chroma) and brightness (or luminance).

The hue is defined by its position in a color circle and is specified by an angle lying between 0 and 360 degrees.

The saturation corresponds to the amount of gray in the color mixture and has a value between 0 percent for gray and 100 percent for pure color.

The values for brightness also range from 0 percent for black and 100 percent for white.


Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.


A system for describing colors defined by Hue (tint), Saturation (or shade) and Value (tone).

An alternate term for HLS.


Heat Set Web Offset

A rotary printing process using heat to set the in. A cylinder transferring the image from the printing plate to blanket to paper at speeds of 30000 or more impressions per hour.


Hypertext Markup Language

A page description language used for formatting documents for the Internet.

HTML makes it possible to create links between different Web sites and to present multimedia material.

With the help of a web browser, HTML documents can be read by any computer with a standard operating system.

A distinctive feature of these pages is that they do not have a fixed typography. The reader determines the typeface and font size, with which they will appear.

HTML documents use the .html or .htm file extension.


Hypertext Transport Protocol

A data request protocol used for the Internet and based on the TCP/IP network protocol, HTTP is used to organize communication between an Internet server and the user’s browser.

It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted.

HTTP sets up a new connection to the server every time a browser requests data.

The protocol that is used to transfer HTML files over the World Wide Web.


Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon

A type of information server using the HTTP protocol.


1.An attributes of color that signifies its dominant wave length within the visible spectrum and makes it different from other colors.

2.A term used in the context of a color space to identity the exact shade of a piece of paper. Not to be confused with whiteness, which is a different property of paper.


The level of moisture in the air. The humidity will affect the paper and other printing products, which may cause problems in the printing process.



Standard international acronyms for weights and grades of papers used in rotary offset and letterpress printing.

Coated stock can be identified HWC (heavy-weight coated), MWC (medium-weight coated), LWC (lightweight coated), or ULWC (ultra-lightweight coated).

All are wood pulp-based, but available in many varieties. MFC (machine-finished coated) paper is made primarily from ground wood pulp, has a grammage of 48 to 80 gsm, and may be high volume.

LWC paper is particularly lightweight stock for use on rotary offset machines. SC (supercalendered) paper is an uncoated wood pulp stock based mainly on ground wood and recycled content.

It features an additional finish applied by a separate supercalender.

Hydra Pulper

Vat with a special type of agitator used to hydrate and prepare pulp for papermaking.


A papermaking process that involves beating the pulp so as to increase its ability to hold water and produce a paper with the proper moisture content.


Energy harvested by directing water through a turbine connected to an electrical generator, thereby converting the kinetic energy of moving water into electrical energy. Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source.


An instrument for measuring the specific gravity of a liquid.


Water absorbent.


Rejects water.


That property of a substance which enables it to absorb water vapor from the surrounding atmosphere. Relative to most materials, vellum and paper, particularly the former, are strongly hygroscopic.

Hyperfocal Distance

Distance of the nearest object in a scene that is acceptably sharp when the lens is focused on infinity.


An image or text, that when clicked on, will move to another file or a different area of the same file.

Hyperlinked text is usually underlined and in a different color and the curser changes to a different shape when moved over the area.

Also called a link or hypertext link.


Documents containing several information types, such as text, images, audio, and video.


Collected first editions published within last ten years or so.

Most were published so recently that there is no track record on author or book.

Hypertext Link

A location in a document that enables a user to jump to a different location within the same document or another document. Links are identified by highlighted, underlined, or colored text or images.

Hypertext Transport Protocol


The protocol that is used to transfer HTML files over the World Wide Web. It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted.

Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon


A type of information server using the HTTP protocol.


A punctuation mark used to indicate that a word at the end of a line has been divided with the last part appearing on the next line. It is also used to connect words such as “anti-aliasing” ruler or “E-mail


The process of dividing a word at the end of a line by placing hyphens between syllables to keep lines from exceeding a set length.

The last part of the word appears on the next line. It is used to make all lines of text the same or similar lengths.


The name for a fixing bath made from sodium thiosulfate, other chemicals, and water; often used as a synonym for fixing bath.



A term that represents a unit of measurement for frequency.

It is expressed as cycles or oscillations per second.

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